What a busy last few months it’s been.
with the launch of the website, orders keeping us busy, we haven’t really had much time to slow down.
So here is a run down of what we have been up to.
We were really happy to support the Rise and Shine Josiah Mika Foundation website launch fundraiser. We contributed some of our products towards the silent auction. Thank you to all who attended the event and to those who bid and won the auctions. This was our first public event and the feedback was amazing.
We will be at the Great ECE EXPO in the exhibition section with the full range of our products. This is on August sat 5 and sun 6 at the Trust Arena. Come down and see our products and new ventures we are looking into with our products.
As we develop new products (myths and legends and new designs) we have been asked many times for individual peg dolls as additional or add ons to families. We have finally got there as pricing and routine schedules of our production has made it possible.
We have started to work on our Matariki range of peg dolls too. COMING SOON!!!
Many of you have also asked for competition and we have developed the Language Weeks Flags one.
We are working on membership and subscription benefits as well as loyalty points and products you can redeem points for.
if you have any suggestion, we would love to hear them.